Tuesday 11 September 2018


Following an audition earlier in the year, a contract has now been agreed and production has started on the audiobook version of The Promise of Zaccarius, the first volume of the Tales of Estolia by Sasheena Kurfman.

After discussions with the author about the overall sound and feel of the audio version, I happily entered into a formal agreement and script editing has been going on for several weeks. The first recording sessions will take place in the next few days.

Sasheena said, "I decided to see if someone was willing to take a chance on me. I’d rather spend my time doing everything else rather than recording my own voice. The result is that I’ve now got someone else doing the audio book and he has a most extraordinary voice. He’s magical, and he will breathe life into the Tales of Estolia in a way I could never have done!"

She added, "I’m absolutely floored by how tremendous his voice sounds. I may know my book better than anyone, but he adds something to my voice that I didn’t even know was there and he’s in it for the long-haul, with plans to narrate each of my novels. It’s my hope that Volume 1 will be available as an audio book by Christmas."

High praise indeed! This is certainly a large project, with a projected ten books in the series, several of which are now in the latter stages of editing. As my first major project I must say that I am very excited about the forthcoming sessions, particularly now I have researched the technical aspects of audio production which enables me to produce mastered recordings to Amazon Audio standards.

Sasheena's blog for the Tales of Estolia can be viewed here:

Tales of Estolia

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