Saturday 3 November 2018


When I asked my sister what I should get for my niece India's birthday this year, she said that I should record her an audiobook and gave me a stack of her favourite stories.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar was in that pile and it is a story from my own childhood, one which I think all children should experience at some point or other. It is a very simplistic tale of a caterpillar's progress from egg to butterfly and took just a couple of hours to produce in its entirety on audio.

With less than two minutes' worth of vocals, I felt that music and effects were necessary to give the audio version a little more depth and so I turned to the back catalogue of Kevin MacLeod at Imcompetech for a suitable piece of opening and closing music (called 'Transition One').

The only effect really needed was a 'chomp' sound for each bite that the caterpillar takes in the story and one was easily sourced from Freesound, a website where you can download and share sound recordings for free. It has proven invaluable over the past couple of months whilst recording The Tales of Estolia.

The finished clip can be seen here:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

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